The Sanctuary
Ego => Spurious Generalities => Topic started by: splooge gook on October 25, 2014, 01:16:15 pm
to try to show them you're interested or something
to try to show them you're interested or something
You're over thinking it, Bud. No one is probably going to even notice, unless she's an attention whore.
Depends on the time scale. If she made it her pro pic very recently then you wont come across creepy/stalkerish/desperate
one day i wrote i think this picture is literally kittens on her pic and then she made her timeline photos kittens with musical notes and i said i hear this song in the alleyways sometimes. then my ex made me unfriend her, then i refriended her, then like 10 hours later she changed her profile picture to something even qter and changed her profile picture from the kittens and the notes to two owls with a heart with notes.
she obviously is asking for it.
The only logical conclusion is: she wants the D.
one day i wrote i think this picture is literally kittens on her pic and then she made her timeline photos kittens with musical notes and i said i hear this song in the alleyways sometimes. then my ex made me unfriend her, then i refriended her, then like 10 hours later she changed her profile picture to something even qter and changed her profile picture from the kittens and the notes to two owls with a heart with notes.
she obviously is asking for it.
Give it to her
I laughed so hard when this post was first made. That title and OP alone make me think that splooge really is some kinda genius.
dude are you seriously obsessing over maria again
Send her a PM her that you would pregnate her.
Then she will know you are interested.
he should just ask her to start a band
quit being a 17 year old pussy
The very next time she changes her profile pic, immediately like it, and then change yours to a picture of your cock.
's how I met my first wife.
Every attractive chick on FB gets anywhere from 50 to 5000 likes every time they post a picture of themselves. They won't notice or give a shit if one more person gives them a like, so don't even bother.
FB is good for whoring
wtf is this bullshit. she posts a picture of an ambidextrous drawing she made, she posts a video of her playing the guitar, i give advice, i get blocked. women are DEMONS
Its worse to do syncans and miss a whole day by sleeping and turn into shapes
and yeah you gotta be as though you wouldn't if you didn't see almost abort next tuesday constitues a replanning next to the poster that made the most sense is you didn't see you know?
what the fuck kind of question is 'tis?
wtf is this bullshit. she posts a picture of an ambidextrous drawing she made, she posts a video of her playing the guitar, i give advice, i get blocked. women are DEMONS
lol, that's gotta hurt
Link her Facebook to here OP, she's just a stupid sloot
LOL If I was a dick I would but I know sploo doesn't want that.
I asked him if I could troll her and he said no :(
[img width=800 height=589][/img]
wtf is this bullshit. she posts a picture of an ambidextrous drawing she made, she posts a video of her playing the guitar, i give advice, i get blocked. women are DEMONS
I'm guessing this dumb cunt thought 'ambidextrous' had some kind of sexual connotation, and interpreted your completely benign question to be something else entirely. Women ARE demons but most of our problems result from them simply being dumb as fuck.
screenshot of a screenshot, damn...
and yeah you gotta be as though you wouldn't if you didn't see almost abort next tuesday constitues a replanning next to the poster that made the most sense is you didn't see you know?
Got this for you
wtf is this bullshit. she posts a picture of an ambidextrous drawing she made, she posts a video of her playing the guitar, i give advice, i get blocked. women are DEMONS
Just the fact that you edited out the girl's PI with lime green instead of the usual black makes me smile at your superiority.
its a bad idea to partake in the chadbook
seriously. is there a single reason anything i said to her came off as anything less than congenial
and yeah you gotta be as though you wouldn't if you didn't see almost abort next tuesday constitues a replanning next to the poster that made the most sense is you didn't see you know?
got the club goin up
and yeah you gotta be as though you wouldn't if you didn't see almost abort next tuesday constitues a replanning next to the poster that made the most sense is you didn't see you know?
got the club goin up
I like that song.
Anyways, can you guys imagine what sploos fb page must look like? A bunch of syncan ans dxm induced ramblings while he tries to talk to girls that are clearly out of his league and not interested with a godawful profile picture.
Poor sploo.
Won't hurt.
he talks about physics and starting a band a lot.
seriously. is there a single reason anything i said to her came off as anything less than congenial
Do you talk to this girl often? If you just recently started it could be that your sudden advances came off as creepy.
goddamn do you ever need a father
No one would notice over a stupid like. I hope this is a troll post. If you want her to know you're interested just start leaving complimenting comments saying she is pretty and asking her if their is a mirror in her pocket. Then after doing that for a few weeks ask her for her number. Don't over text. Do like daddy does and wait till its almost the same amount of time elapsed that it took her to respond. After you've got her good and buttered up ask her on a date. Profile photos get too many likes for girls to notice or think anything about it. God I hope this is a troll post cause you need help my friend. Feel free to hit me up for more woman advice.
The very next time she changes her profile pic, immediately like it, and then change yours to a picture of your cock.
's how I met my first wife.