The liquid-liquid extraction is hard enough, but because the acidifyng of alkaline organic solvent is daunting task it should be done in parts. My thoughts is to use concentrated hydrochloric acid and evaparation vessel with condenser, but this is just assumption. The multistep extraction have their losses and difficult pH reaching is tricky, but its work. About ''gassing" I've never done it, but maybe I should...
Ammonium sulfate is more expensive than ammonium nitrate and the last one is easier to find. Also if you do liquid-liquid extraction, the ammonium sulfate passing and contaminate the end product (but perhaps helps the crystallization, because saturates the solution and facilitates the formation). Also AN have 34%, AS only 21%. I have some trials with the two kinds of ammonia and cant tell which is better, but with sulfate the reaction media get very problematic...
Yes Deja, 2 runs would be ideal. But as for an extraction, resources are slim and a tek for said extraction is beyond grasp unless you can hunt one up. I know there was one on t0t$3ttwo before it got raided. The Straight to Bee i believe? But thats old shit that probably wouldnt work on todays gaks.
Anyone got a workaround or shall they try the microwave?
(http://i.imgur.com/D50mY0i.gif) The following is Wareami's LT Method (http://i.imgur.com/D50mY0i.gif)
This is purely solvent separation of an hcl salt, not acid/base extraction.
The mechanics of this process were never given much air play.
The same principals and processes, in theory, have been outlined in other extraction techiques deployed and offered up by Ibee in the past.
First thing to consider.
With all solvent based extractions, smelly solvents are used. Those solvents need to evaporate and the material dried to recover the goods.
Never attempt these types of extractions/separations without adequate and proper ventilation. If doing these extractions in a garage or shed, always have some side projects going like painting or furniture refinishing....
Ibee's living conditions once required him to complete an LT extraction outdoors. 3 different times. Alcohol and substance free Half-Way houses frown on their residents cooking drugs :blackeye:
Anyhow...the smell of the evaporating LT leaves alot to be desired. That is the only drawback reported by most who have used this method.
Next...The process by which these solvents either release or activate certain components used to comprise the pills depends heavily on being able to contact those individual components/gaaks/binders etc.
Ibee found the most effective way to expose every last molecule to the treatments/solvents applied, is by making certain that all the pills are finely crushed and every grain powdered.
Many use coffee grinders for expediency sake...plus when working with large amounts as most will, it's a pain in the arse paying that much attention to the process.
Ibee would use a coffee grinder, but would never stop there if he wanted his yields and quality to be the highest degree achievable.
Mortar and Pestal powdering would follow the preliminary mass grinding.
Next...The process by which the Prewash come in contact with the pillmass(PM) is equally important.
The time exposed to this solvent prewash cocktail does matter.
You all should know from past reports by Ibee, that the tetra works by exciting the polymers causing them to be more attracted or distracted by the solvent which causes them to loose their grip on the pfed...for a time. There is a stage after time that the polymers will rebind with the pfed after losing their affinity for swimming freely. Ibee sat and watched this occur believe it or not.
The activity level of the PM in the Prewash subsides after time. Don't let the PM soak in the juice longer than it takes to get your filterfunnel ready. One minute to two minutes at the most.
So...the object here is to put the finely powdered PM into a bowl or small glass, then after thoroughly mixing the Prewash Juice in a separate flask,(swirling is not enough...the two different viscosity levels of tetra and LT will keep them separated as two layers until physically stirred.) Add this juice to the PM and stir everything thoroughly. The tendency of the PM will be to float on top and clump together some. Break it up making sure every granule is contacted by the juice.
Then pour everything into the prepared SINGLE COFFEE FILTERED funnel catching the now gaaked juice into another jar.
The reason for using one single filter is the porosity of just one filter alllows for the escape of the now liquified gaaks that have lost their grip on the Pfed.
Spray down the bowl sides with tetra with the spraytube provided if using tetra from brakeparts or electrical parts cleaners to get all the PM into the filter.
This excess tetra also acts to help wash the PM before proceeding.
The egull method used tetra alone to accomplish this step. pfed is completely insoluble in tetra so one could easily pour the PM onto cardboard or paper to speed up the drying process.
This cannot be done that way with LT/Tetra treated PM becuase the polar solvents have made the pfed readily soluable with anything it comes in contact with when wet. Hence, the pfed will stick to and be absorbed by paper or other porous material.
So don't handle the filter cake too much....just ball up the filter and squeeze out the excess juice. Take the filter unfold and pour the PM onto a pyrexplate to dry. Dry the filterpaper as well as some of the PM will be stuck to it and can be removed and added to the other recovered PM after drying. Just scrunch up the filter paper when dry over top of the pyrexplate and the powder will fall off.
Now that you have the dried PM collected in the pyrex dish, this next part deserves some explaination about volume, solvation, and surface area.
Simply put, we have a solid substance we are trying to separate from a whole host of other solid substances. All have varying degrees of weight and solubility factors. Some are water soluable, others won't disolve unless they come in contact with the solvent they were created with. For the most part however, many of the substances used to make the pills are soluble in the same solvents that pfed is soluble in.
The trick is in keeping the rest of the substances that were designed to ride with the pfed, from riding with pfed.
Enter the Lacquer Thinner!
What makes LT a superior solvent to alcohol and water extractions
Alcohol extractions were defeated mainly because most of these gaaks/binders/polymers will dissolve right along with the pfed and therefore be present in the evapped result. If the polymer was included to prevent extraction, then it's "Game On" in trying to find ways of circumventing their purpose!
Dreamers and Bees rely heavily on being able to extract the goodz in as pristeen clean a state as possible and it had become the pharmers jobs to prevent this.
Okay...now comes a crucial mechanical part.
This involves the step that takes the most time and patience in this process. It involves not only the extraction of pfed but most critical is the equipment used and the process followed to a tee for best results.
The settling period, or waiting until the LT/Pfed solution above the PM solids becomes clear.
Half-assing this wait, or pulling when cloudy is sure to provide unsatisfactory yields as well as reduced quality and the result will be gaaked. Not "May be" Will be.
Ibee always strives for pristeen clean feed in the highest yield achievable and with patience and due diligence, gets it or considers the method not worthy.
With todays higher price of all materials used as well as feedstock being in shorter supply, one can't cut corners if they want to get the most bang for the buck.
The reason tall jars work most effectively compared to shorter squat jars is the surface area and the settling factors of the various weight gaaks/binders are affected by the volume of solvent used.
Many hidden factors exist in why this method is able to keep the gaaks with the same solubility as pfed from moving up into the solute layer.
Ibee won't pretend to know every angle, but the various options have been experimented with over time and settled on what works best. He can only outline what he believes is going on and why
Here is an image of the two vessel shapes to give some better idea of what we're dealing with!
The liquid/solid issue is a biggie when one factors in gravity of the various weight substances.
The further a substance needs to travel to reach what it wants to occupy, the harder it is to occupy that space. Couple that fact with substances of like solubility competing for space, and the one that gets there first will most likely be dissolved. In a flat round container...that distance is minimal surface wise and the liquid is more spread out. Eventually some of that unwanted gaak substance will gravitate and be dissolved into the liquid.
In the taller cylindrical shaped vessel, the pfed will dissolve as will the other gaaks but after settling, the pfed stays dissolved while the other heavier gaaks sink back to the bottom.
Ibee has pulled gaaks when using short squat vessels.
So if it takes 4 hours for the first pull to clear....you wait 4 hours on that pull.
The next pulls off the same PM will clear in less time.
Ibee has used 2 jars and splits the PM between them and extracts separately sometimes. This shortens the wait time on clearing and it also expedites the time it takes to all the pfed.
So....WAITING UNTIL CLEAR is critical...so is the size and shape of the jar/vessel used to extract with LT.
Now onto the next process of critical importance.
After clearing, this LT/Pfed solution needs to be PULLED off the top being careful not to stir up the gaaks that will get kicked up into the solvent containing the pfed if disturbed.
The last thing you want to do after waiting that long time for things to clear, is to make it cloudy again accidently. Decanting or pouring off will disturb the PM sediment.
Ibee uses a modified eyeclearing solution bottle he adapted with a tube.
Here is a pic of a makeshift syphoner/puller:
Ibee's tried using basters and other modified mass liquid pullers and all failed because of the airflow or leaks and other anomolies introduced that don't have the control needed to keep the liquid from dripping back down and disturbing the PM sediment.
Pull the LT/Pfed liquid off, and put through fine filtration device postioned over a pyrex pie plate, collecting to evap.
Do each pull separately....one plate per pull if doing multiple jars at once.
Too much liquid evapping at once will take forever to evap.
Ibee has used a hotplate on the lowest temp setting to expedite this process, but again, the smell of LT is hideos!
A suitable fine filtering gravity fed filter device can be made thusly using a funnel, cottonballs, and coffee filters.
Be sure to clamp this funnel upright, securely, and make sure the bottom of the stem is not more than 1-3 inches(2.54-7.62 cm) above the evap collection dish or goodz will splash out as it drips.
Prewet the filters with LT before adding the LT/Pfed.
And be sure to test the funnel first if it's plastic to make sure the LT won't dissolve the plastic. Ibee likes the metal funnels for this process.
There ya have it....Evap the LT/Pfed in each evapdish and SWIM should be left with sparkling white fiberglass-type looking needles of pfed.
One could dissolve these in alcohol and the resulting evapped pfed will be pinwheel shaped pfed xtals.
If even the slightest amount of discoloration is seen in these xtals, wash with MEK asnd the result should be sparkling white pristeenclean feedstock.
As you can tell by the length of this post...there is alot to be considered about extraction and Ibee didn't even elaborate on every single aspect of this process.
Start to finish, one should have their feedstock in about 2-6 hours depending on how much gaak is involved and depending on how long it takes the solution to clear before pulling.
Hope this helps.