Ego => Reinvent Yourself => Topic started by: Borat on September 07, 2014, 08:01:25 am
Title: Thinking about going Vegan
Post by: Borat on September 07, 2014, 08:01:25 am
Yay or Nay?
I rarely ever eat meat and just want to try it out with my gym regime.
Title: Re: Thinking about going Vegan
Post by: Bigggmann on September 08, 2014, 03:57:40 am
Go for it, I've gone vegetarian for around 5 years
Title: Re: Thinking about going Vegan
Post by: fanglekai on September 08, 2014, 04:10:35 am
make sure you get all your vitamins and minerals. it's not simply a matter of LOL I WONT EAT MEAT ANYMORE LOL HER DURR. You need to make sure you're eating a balanced diet.
Title: Re: Thinking about going Vegan
Post by: Bigggmann on September 08, 2014, 04:18:54 am
make sure you get all your vitamins and minerals. it's not simply a matter of LOL I WONT EAT MEAT ANYMORE LOL HER DURR. You need to make sure you're eating a balanced diet.
Honestly if you replace meats with nuts there isn't really anything you have to supplement with.
Only things I ever supplement for are zinc and magnesium
Title: Re: Thinking about going Vegan
Post by: equanimity on September 08, 2014, 04:25:28 am
make sure you get all your vitamins and minerals. it's not simply a matter of LOL I WONT EAT MEAT ANYMORE LOL HER DURR. You need to make sure you're eating a balanced diet.
Honestly if you replace meats with nuts there isn't really anything you have to supplement with.
Only things I ever supplement for are zinc and magnesium
Uh b12... kinda important.
Title: Re: Thinking about going Vegan
Post by: fanglekai on September 08, 2014, 04:34:58 am
make sure you get all your vitamins and minerals. it's not simply a matter of LOL I WONT EAT MEAT ANYMORE LOL HER DURR. You need to make sure you're eating a balanced diet.
Honestly if you replace meats with nuts there isn't really anything you have to supplement with.
Only things I ever supplement for are zinc and magnesium
Uh b12... kinda important.
Title: Re: Thinking about going Vegan
Post by: Slave of the Beast on September 08, 2014, 04:49:49 pm
I think OP means vegetarian? Vegans religiously shun all animal products.
Title: Re: Thinking about going Vegan
Post by: Bigggmann on September 08, 2014, 06:50:45 pm
make sure you get all your vitamins and minerals. it's not simply a matter of LOL I WONT EAT MEAT ANYMORE LOL HER DURR. You need to make sure you're eating a balanced diet.
Honestly if you replace meats with nuts there isn't really anything you have to supplement with.
Only things I ever supplement for are zinc and magnesium
Uh b12... kinda important.
You can get tons of B12 with just a couple eggs in the morning. Also most cereals are becoming fortified with it now.
Title: Re: Thinking about going Vegan
Post by: Zanick on September 08, 2014, 07:07:49 pm
Eh, you can make it work if you're willing to make the sacrifices. Definitely supplement with vitamin B12, you need that. Not a lot of it, mind you, but it is an essential that you won't get outside of animal products. If you take a multivitamin, that should suffice. There isn't a great way to get omega fatty acids, but chia seeds can work okay. Hemp seeds might be better, actually, but those can get expensive. Incidentally, hemp is great vegan protein. Rice and lentils form a complete protein, so keep that in mind for meal planning.
Title: Re: Thinking about going Vegan
Post by: Borat on September 08, 2014, 10:04:47 pm
I'm want to go full vegan.
Title: Re: Thinking about going Vegan
Post by: Infinityshock on September 08, 2014, 10:09:00 pm
the human physiology was designed to be an omnivore, not a herbivore. ask any vegan and if theyre honest they will admit to having cravings for non-vegetable food sources meaning they have to fight their own instinctive cravings to remain in the unnatural state of vegetarian.
any vegetarian ive talked to about why they dont want to eat animals come up with the stupidest, self destructive reasons.
as if plants dont have feelings or the right to exist. fucking hypocrites
Title: Re: Thinking about going Vegan
Post by: equanimity on September 09, 2014, 12:32:09 am
Us vegetarians get a bad rap.
Title: Re: Thinking about going Vegan
Post by: Slave of the Beast on September 09, 2014, 08:13:16 am
I have lived and worked with a couple of vegans. The one I lived with was a weird guy. His restricted diet seemed to be a form of mental self-flagellation; quasi-Catholic overtones mixed in with his Buddhist beliefs. One day he asked me 'Do I look like a heroin addict?', apparently some complete stranger had told him that they 'knew where he could get help' because his skin was so grey and pallid he looked like a junkie. Looking at his section in the food cupboard made my stomach literally cramp if I was already hungry. In 3 months the only things I ever saw in there were a couple of lentil bags. I don't believe that's the only thing he actually ate. I almost can't believe it.
The vegan girl I worked with had some batshit ideas about human biology. Insisted on drinking only from glass bottles containing filtered water of pH 10 (!) because it was what the human body was 'designed for'. I don't think she actually knew what pH means, let alone make a pH-calibrated solution. I tried explaining the concept of homeostasis to her and why her efforts to make her blood alkaline were largely futile; a complete waste of my energy. She also claimed water from the taps was deliberately contaminated with flourides which will poison you, hence the glass (plastic is poisonous) water bottle. She lived roughly 80 miles from the nearest source of artificially flouridated water.
I could be doing the concept of veganism a disservice, but my personal experience has been that veganism has more in common with a mental health disorder than a healthy lifestyle.
Title: Re: Thinking about going Vegan
Post by: Borat on September 09, 2014, 08:54:35 am
I'll admit that issue of "morality" has been on mind as a reason as to why I'm contemplating a vegan diet, but I don't plan on taking it to the extremes of the people you mentioned. I just want advantage of the organic side of the diet, which might help not off some fat.
Title: Re: Thinking about going Vegan
Post by: Atticus on September 09, 2014, 04:34:45 pm
I have lived and worked with a couple of vegans. The one I lived with was a weird guy. His restricted diet seemed to be a form of mental self-flagellation; quasi-Catholic overtones mixed in with his Buddhist beliefs. One day he asked me 'Do I look like a heroin addict?', apparently some complete stranger had told him that they 'knew where he could get help' because his skin was so grey and pallid he looked like a junkie. Looking at his section in the food cupboard made my stomach literally cramp if I was already hungry. In 3 months the only things I ever saw in there were a couple of lentil bags. I don't believe that's the only thing he actually ate. I almost can't believe it.
The vegan girl I worked with had some batshit ideas about human biology. Insisted on drinking only from glass bottles containing filtered water of pH 10 (!) because it was what the human body was 'designed for'. I don't think she actually knew what pH means, let alone make a pH-calibrated solution. I tried explaining the concept of homeostasis to her and why her efforts to make her blood alkaline were largely futile; a complete waste of my energy. She also claimed water from the taps was deliberately contaminated with flourides which will poison you, hence the glass (plastic is poisonous) water bottle. She lived roughly 80 miles from the nearest source of artificially flouridated water.
I could be doing the concept of veganism a disservice, but my personal experience has been that veganism has more in common with a mental health disorder than a healthy lifestyle.
lol yeah pretty true. i'm vegetarian, but man those vegans i've met can be hella weirdddd. i've met one cool one, that's about it. (lol at infinity shock, there are valid reasons to vegetarian, you just need to be more open and sound less angry over someone's diet.)
going vegan is alright OP, it's just kind of a challenge if you do a lot of athletic stuff. maybe every few days out of the week you can eat vegan or just incorporate a lot of vegan meals in general to give an extra kick of nutrients, all the while being able to get complete proteins and b12 from eggs and meat and stuff.
i dunno i could never do it. giving up honey, dairy, and eggs is way too much effort for me.
Title: Re: Thinking about going Vegan
Post by: equanimity on September 11, 2014, 03:51:09 am
I have lived and worked with a couple of vegans. The one I lived with was a weird guy. His restricted diet seemed to be a form of mental self-flagellation; quasi-Catholic overtones mixed in with his Buddhist beliefs. One day he asked me 'Do I look like a heroin addict?', apparently some complete stranger had told him that they 'knew where he could get help' because his skin was so grey and pallid he looked like a junkie. Looking at his section in the food cupboard made my stomach literally cramp if I was already hungry. In 3 months the only things I ever saw in there were a couple of lentil bags. I don't believe that's the only thing he actually ate. I almost can't believe it.
The vegan girl I worked with had some batshit ideas about human biology. Insisted on drinking only from glass bottles containing filtered water of pH 10 (!) because it was what the human body was 'designed for'. I don't think she actually knew what pH means, let alone make a pH-calibrated solution. I tried explaining the concept of homeostasis to her and why her efforts to make her blood alkaline were largely futile; a complete waste of my energy. She also claimed water from the taps was deliberately contaminated with flourides which will poison you, hence the glass (plastic is poisonous) water bottle. She lived roughly 80 miles from the nearest source of artificially flouridated water.
I could be doing the concept of veganism a disservice, but my personal experience has been that veganism has more in common with a mental health disorder than a healthy lifestyle.
Sounds as though you met a couple stupid people who happened to be vegan. Be careful with the extrapolation.
I'll admit that issue of "morality" has been on mind as a reason as to why I'm contemplating a vegan diet, but I don't plan on taking it to the extremes of the people you mentioned. I just want advantage of the organic side of the diet, which might help not off some fat.
While there is no black and white ethical authority that ranks diets clearly and objectively, I feel there is plenty of evidence suggesting that a careful omnivorous diet can cause less harm to the environment than a vegan diet. It's much more difficult to source your food locally eating vegan, with the obvious example being protein. Most of the soy we eat comes from large scale agricultural operations that are destroying ecosystems and blah blah. There are other options of course, like beans, nuts, and seeds; but again, compared to ethically-sourced local meats, eggs and dairy the vegan diet falls a bit short on my personal scale of environmental ethics. Plus the meat and animal products will result in a healthier you.
That's not to say that going vegan doesn't have positive environmental implications. Any move away from the disgusting mass-produced meat (seasoned with suffering, hormones and antibiotics) is a huge step in the right direction. You will be responsible for less suffering if you adopt a vegan or vegetarian diet, compared to any diet with concentrated animal feeding operation meat. Which is the diet pretty much everyone eats. I know a lot of people who eat mostly clean, but no one is perfect... especially if they sometimes eat restaurant food.
Steakhouses? CAFO. Mexican restaurants? CAFO. Fast food? Soy protein, and CAFO.
It's awful. If you're wanting to go vegan for ethical reasons, I don't see why you wouldn't try vegetarian most of the time with some high-quality, locally/ethically-sourced meat sprinkled in. Or, I guess. I can understand, seeing as I don't eat meat myself. But for just the reasons you've given? No.
Also veganism can be healthy, but almost never is. If your goal is to lose weight and be healthy, a more efficient and less dangerous route is cutting out all processed foods and grains. I was overweight at~ 150lbs after being a junk food vegan for years (fake meats, tons of processed soy, vegan snack foods, etc.), and managed to lose 30lbs with minimal exercise by stuffing my face with (real, grass-fed) butter. Weight loss seems to be more about what you don't eat, rather than what you eat.
If you're serious about this and want to lose weight the right way, feel free to pm me. Can give helpful links and whatever.
If you're decided on being vegan (good for you! no more CAFO meat!) please be careful, and track your nutrients very carefully, at least until you get a feel for things.
Title: Re: Thinking about going Vegan
Post by: Ninja on September 11, 2014, 12:31:51 pm
I like vegans, because when the shit hits the fan, I'm going to eat them first.
Veganism is unnatural. Plain and simple. It's an extreme position of hypocrisy. A vegan won't eat animal products, because they don't want to hurt the animals. But, then they pay their taxes which are used for animal testing, factory farm subsidies and the murder of innocent women and children all over the world. I fucking hate vegans and their indiscriminate and cold blooded murder of plants. Also, they love the animals so much, but they don't seem to have a problem enslaving them as pets. I never understood that one either...
Anyway. I am human, so I like to eat animals, but most of the shit they sell in the stores is GMO Cancer Nazi Death Camp meat. So, I eat a very clean and mostly vegetarian diet.
Title: Re: Thinking about going Vegan
Post by: GothicSeraph on September 12, 2014, 07:57:21 pm
Honestly if you replace meats with nuts there isn't really anything you have to supplement with.
Taking shots down the throat isn't a way everyone can get protein...
There are ways to eat better meat and know what you are eating, GYO. If you can't take the cow yourself to be butchered then you don't deserve the steak.
Title: Re: Thinking about going Vegan
Post by: Zanick on September 13, 2014, 09:28:13 pm
It sounds like you're claim is that anything we do to modify our behavior in the interest of ethics and self awareness is done against nature. In reality, there is no boldly defined line. For example, our teeth adapted to a diet which includes meat, just like our bodies evolved to accommodate wheat products with the advent of agriculture. You're confusing the chicken with the egg.
A vegan won't eat animal products, because they don't want to hurt the animals. But, then they pay their taxes which are used for animal testing, factory farm subsidies and the murder of innocent women and children all over the world.
So your problem with veganism is that Americans can't control how representatives use their tax dollars?
Also, they love the animals so much, but they don't seem to have a problem enslaving them as pets.
You shouldn't be surprised by the fact that vegans are also susceptible to human sentiment. Many of them fight puppy mills, but pets are an ambiguous issue, and it's really something worth fighting right now, when there are much more important and still underfunded causes.
Anyway. I am human, so I like to eat animals, but most of the shit they sell in the stores is GMO Cancer Nazi Death Camp meat. So, I eat a very clean and mostly vegetarian diet.
Agreed, and I while I see eating meat as inherently wrong, I think it's important that the people who don't at least take some steps to ensure that it's clean and more cruelty-free, if they can be troubled for it.
Title: Re: Thinking about going Vegan
Post by: Zanick on September 13, 2014, 09:33:47 pm
I have lived and worked with a couple of vegans. The one I lived with was a weird guy. His restricted diet seemed to be a form of mental self-flagellation; quasi-Catholic overtones mixed in with his Buddhist beliefs. One day he asked me 'Do I look like a heroin addict?', apparently some complete stranger had told him that they 'knew where he could get help' because his skin was so grey and pallid he looked like a junkie. Looking at his section in the food cupboard made my stomach literally cramp if I was already hungry. In 3 months the only things I ever saw in there were a couple of lentil bags. I don't believe that's the only thing he actually ate. I almost can't believe it.
The vegan girl I worked with had some batshit ideas about human biology. Insisted on drinking only from glass bottles containing filtered water of pH 10 (!) because it was what the human body was 'designed for'. I don't think she actually knew what pH means, let alone make a pH-calibrated solution. I tried explaining the concept of homeostasis to her and why her efforts to make her blood alkaline were largely futile; a complete waste of my energy. She also claimed water from the taps was deliberately contaminated with flourides which will poison you, hence the glass (plastic is poisonous) water bottle. She lived roughly 80 miles from the nearest source of artificially flouridated water.
I could be doing the concept of veganism a disservice, but my personal experience has been that veganism has more in common with a mental health disorder than a healthy lifestyle.
Sounds as though you met a couple stupid people who happened to be vegan. Be careful with the extrapolation.
I'll admit that issue of "morality" has been on mind as a reason as to why I'm contemplating a vegan diet, but I don't plan on taking it to the extremes of the people you mentioned. I just want advantage of the organic side of the diet, which might help not off some fat.
While there is no black and white ethical authority that ranks diets clearly and objectively, I feel there is plenty of evidence suggesting that a careful omnivorous diet can cause less harm to the environment than a vegan diet. It's much more difficult to source your food locally eating vegan, with the obvious example being protein. Most of the soy we eat comes from large scale agricultural operations that are destroying ecosystems and blah blah. There are other options of course, like beans, nuts, and seeds; but again, compared to ethically-sourced local meats, eggs and dairy the vegan diet falls a bit short on my personal scale of environmental ethics. Plus the meat and animal products will result in a healthier you.
That's not to say that going vegan doesn't have positive environmental implications. Any move away from the disgusting mass-produced meat (seasoned with suffering, hormones and antibiotics) is a huge step in the right direction. You will be responsible for less suffering if you adopt a vegan or vegetarian diet, compared to any diet with concentrated animal feeding operation meat. Which is the diet pretty much everyone eats. I know a lot of people who eat mostly clean, but no one is perfect... especially if they sometimes eat restaurant food.
Steakhouses? CAFO. Mexican restaurants? CAFO. Fast food? Soy protein, and CAFO.
It's awful. If you're wanting to go vegan for ethical reasons, I don't see why you wouldn't try vegetarian most of the time with some high-quality, locally/ethically-sourced meat sprinkled in. Or, I guess. I can understand, seeing as I don't eat meat myself. But for just the reasons you've given? No.
Also veganism can be healthy, but almost never is. If your goal is to lose weight and be healthy, a more efficient and less dangerous route is cutting out all processed foods and grains. I was overweight at~ 150lbs after being a junk food vegan for years (fake meats, tons of processed soy, vegan snack foods, etc.), and managed to lose 30lbs with minimal exercise by stuffing my face with (real, grass-fed) butter. Weight loss seems to be more about what you don't eat, rather than what you eat.
If you're serious about this and want to lose weight the right way, feel free to pm me. Can give helpful links and whatever.
If you're decided on being vegan (good for you! no more CAFO meat!) please be careful, and track your nutrients very carefully, at least until you get a feel for things.
Motherfucking this, right here. This information is what so many fail to consider when they adopt a diet with the aim of reducing their damage to the environment. More than that, I think anybody could start here simply to enjoy improved health and well being.
Title: Re: Thinking about going Vegan
Post by: Hawt on September 14, 2014, 09:01:07 pm
I rarely ever eat meat and just want to try it out with my gym regime.
Nay, you won't look hawt from going to gym if you go vegan also you are going to have to buy BCAA for supplement. In fact you will look like a fucking skinny white assed junkie.
Title: Re: Thinking about going Vegan
Post by: Zanick on September 15, 2014, 11:48:37 pm
I rarely ever eat meat and just want to try it out with my gym regime.
Nay, you won't look hawt from going to gym if you go vegan also you are going to have to buy BCAA for supplement. In fact you will look like a fucking skinny white assed junkie.
There are loads of vegan bodybuders...
Title: Re: Thinking about going Vegan
Post by: Ninja on September 16, 2014, 12:27:43 am
I rarely ever eat meat and just want to try it out with my gym regime.
Nay, you won't look hawt from going to gym if you go vegan also you are going to have to buy BCAA for supplement. In fact you will look like a fucking skinny white assed junkie.
There are loads of vegan bodybuders...
Bodybuilding is for faggots...
Title: Re: Thinking about going Vegan
Post by: GothicSeraph on September 23, 2014, 09:30:35 pm
I rarely ever eat meat and just want to try it out with my gym regime.
Nay, you won't look hawt from going to gym if you go vegan also you are going to have to buy BCAA for supplement. In fact you will look like a fucking skinny white assed junkie.
Vegans have plenty of options for complete proteins, even more if they don't exclude supplementation.
Protein supplements? Where does this supplement come from?
If you want to supplement with protein as a vegan, soy is the cheapest route. Some take issue with the phytoestrogen, but even so they still have pea and rice proteins which combine to form a complete protein, and hemp, which has all necessary amino acids on its own. Nuts are a good protein option for vegans diets lacking in fat, but probably not cost-effective for weight training in the quantity that'd be needed.
Title: Re: Thinking about going Vegan
Post by: GothicSeraph on September 24, 2014, 08:28:42 pm
I guess that could work for some people, since I can't eat veggies I will stay carnivorous.
Title: Re: Thinking about going Vegan
Post by: Zanick on September 25, 2014, 02:04:05 am
I guess that could work for some people, since I can't eat veggies I will stay carnivorous.
Fair enough, I think there are certainly ways to reduce the harm inflicted on animals without abstaining from meat altogether. Unrelated, but why can't you have veggies? Do you just not like them enough to maintain a plant-based diet or do you have a medical reason?
Title: Re: Thinking about going Vegan
Post by: millionsofdeadcats on September 25, 2014, 02:07:35 am
I guess that could work for some people, since I can't eat veggies I will stay carnivorous.
80% of my diet is meat. The rest is vegetables and brown rice. I personally consider most vegetarians to be vapid morons who say the stupidest shit, like 'I don't eat anything that was alive' and 'meat is murder' and shit like that.
Title: Re: Thinking about going Vegan
Post by: GothicSeraph on September 25, 2014, 02:13:08 am
I guess that could work for some people, since I can't eat veggies I will stay carnivorous.
Fair enough, I think there are certainly ways to reduce the harm inflicted on animals without abstaining from meat altogether. Unrelated, but why can't you have veggies? Do you just not like them enough to maintain a plant-based diet or do you have a medical reason?
Medically. But evrything I eat is local and or home raised
Title: Re: Thinking about going Vegan
Post by: Zanick on September 25, 2014, 02:42:09 am
I guess that could work for some people, since I can't eat veggies I will stay carnivorous.
80% of my diet is meat. The rest is vegetables and brown rice. I personally consider most vegetarians to be vapid morons who say the stupidest shit, like 'I don't eat anything that was alive' and 'meat is murder' and shit like that.
That's funny, I'd think that vegetarians have a higher base intelligence ( if there's any difference to be seen at all.
I guess that could work for some people, since I can't eat veggies I will stay carnivorous.
Fair enough, I think there are certainly ways to reduce the harm inflicted on animals without abstaining from meat altogether. Unrelated, but why can't you have veggies? Do you just not like them enough to maintain a plant-based diet or do you have a medical reason?
Medically. But evrything I eat is local and or home raised
Like Equanimity said before, I agree locally sourced meats are the ethical choice. The meat industry is really the most condemnable entity involved in this issue, as far as I'm concerned, not small and regional farmers.
Title: Re: Thinking about going Vegan
Post by: millionsofdeadcats on September 25, 2014, 02:49:33 am
That's funny, I'd think that vegetarians have a higher base intelligence ( if there's any difference to be seen at all.
Yeh, thanks for the link. It says you vegetarians are smarter, so it must be true. I believe everything I read, just like you do. I guess I am dumber than the people who avoid eating meat to ease suffering and assuage their conscience, while they munch on plants that sometimes are still alive, and possibly 'suffer' in inconceivable ways. We really have no idea what it 'feels' like to be a plant. If vegetarians truly cared about easing suffering, they would fucking starve themselves to death and shut the fuck up already.
Title: Re: Thinking about going Vegan
Post by: equanimity on September 25, 2014, 02:53:52 am
That's funny, I'd think that vegetarians have a higher base intelligence ( if there's any difference to be seen at all.
Yeh, thanks for the link. It says you vegetarians are smarter, so it must be true. I believe everything I read, just like you do. I guess I am dumber than the people who avoid eating meat to ease suffering and assuage their conscience, while they munch on plants that sometimes are still alive, and possibly 'suffer' in inconceivable ways. We really have no idea what it 'feels' like to be a plant. If vegetarians truly cared about easing suffering, they would fucking starve themselves to death and shut the fuck up already.
Shush now, cats. It's all over with, and everything will be okay.
Can you show us on the doll where the vegetarian touched you?
Title: Re: Thinking about going Vegan
Post by: millionsofdeadcats on September 25, 2014, 02:55:43 am
That's funny, I'd think that vegetarians have a higher base intelligence ( if there's any difference to be seen at all.
Yeh, thanks for the link. It says you vegetarians are smarter, so it must be true. I believe everything I read, just like you do. I guess I am dumber than the people who avoid eating meat to ease suffering and assuage their conscience, while they munch on plants that sometimes are still alive, and possibly 'suffer' in inconceivable ways. We really have no idea what it 'feels' like to be a plant. If vegetarians truly cared about easing suffering, they would fucking starve themselves to death and shut the fuck up already.
Simmer down, honey. I only mean that your judgment that they're dumber is unfounded and this is my rebuttal. I realize it's likely not a significant article (I don't care for Psychology Today), but my point here is that the only data linking vegetarianism with intelligence is actually opposite of your claim.
Title: Re: Thinking about going Vegan
Post by: millionsofdeadcats on September 25, 2014, 03:00:29 am
Simmer down, honey. I only mean that your judgment that they're dumber is unfounded and this is my rebuttal. I realize it's likely not a significant article (I don't care for Psychology Today), but my point here is that the only data linking vegetarianism with intelligence is actually opposite of your claim.
My diet makes me aggressive toward vegetarians
Title: Re: Thinking about going Vegan
Post by: Rowan on September 25, 2014, 03:41:03 am
I don't see ever going completely vegetarian myself but I am finding that I desire less and less meat as I age. Especially red meat...used to love a damn steak now I love about the first 3 bites then I am like meh about the rest of it. It really sucks sometimes. Seafood doesn't give me this reaction at all and only excessive amounts of chicken do. I guess eating less meat is not a bad thing but it is certainly not because it "had eyes" or some ridiculous nonsense. :rolleyes2:
Title: Re: Thinking about going Vegan
Post by: equanimity on September 25, 2014, 03:46:58 am
On a somewhat related topic: the ethics of seafood confuse the shit out of me. That whole mess seems best to avoid because you're never sure what's hurting the environment and what isn't.
Title: Re: Thinking about going Vegan
Post by: millionsofdeadcats on September 25, 2014, 04:02:24 am
On a somewhat related topic: the ethics of seafood confuse the shit out of me. That whole mess seems best to avoid because you're never sure what's hurting the environment and what isn't.
I rarely ever eat meat and just want to try it out with my gym regime.
I didn't read through all the other post but if you do decide to go vegan you can still intake all your needed vitamins, minerals, etc by eating sprouted grains and fermented foods. Also its best to eat vegetables in wide verity of colors. Different colors are attributed to vitamin/mineral content.
Title: Re: Thinking about going Vegan
Post by: Ninja on September 25, 2014, 06:23:54 am
I eat the animals to end their suffering. It's actually a very heroic thing that I'm doing.
Title: Re: Thinking about going Vegan
Post by: millionsofdeadcats on September 25, 2014, 12:11:32 pm
I didn't read through all the other post but if you do decide to go vegan you can still intake all your needed vitamins, minerals, etc by eating sprouted grains and fermented foods. Also its best to eat vegetables in wide verity of colors. Different colors are attributed to vitamin/mineral content.
So you didn't read through anyone elses' posts, yet you thought that what you had to type was so important that you just had to get it into this thread? If you didn't read anyone elses' posts, why the fuck should we bother reading yours?
Title: Re: Thinking about going Vegan
Post by: GothicSeraph on September 26, 2014, 12:56:24 pm
I didn't read through all the other post but if you do decide to go vegan you can still intake all your needed vitamins, minerals, etc by eating sprouted grains and fermented foods. Also its best to eat vegetables in wide verity of colors. Different colors are attributed to vitamin/mineral content.
So you didn't read through anyone elses' posts, yet you thought that what you had to type was so important that you just had to get it into this thread? If you didn't read anyone elses' posts, why the fuck should we bother reading yours?
I skipped his when I saw "I didn't read"
Title: Re: Thinking about going Vegan
Post by: LOVE on September 29, 2014, 07:49:09 am
You seem lost.
To help define some terms and drive you out of this murk, think of Veganism as more religious; the code for which is up for interpretation by your particular bent, and for the individual to assign personal meaning. It pertains to every aspect of everyday life, and is followed by all sorts of people from those humble like monks to those radical like evangelical. It is quite involved.
Vegetarianism on the other hand is far simpler. It is little in the way of a belief system, other than minor conscience (what some may simply call an omnivore guilt complex) and by comparison would be thought of better as purely a simple ethical dietary choice, that pertains to eating first contact animal products (something such as flesh which is normally obtained only through the slaughter of an animal). It sounds like you truly mean the latter.
I'll admit that issue of "morality" has been on mind as a reason as to why I'm contemplating a vegan diet, but I don't plan on taking it to the extremes of the people you mentioned. I just want advantage of the organic side of the diet, which might help not off some fat.
Living by the strict confines of a Vegan lifestyle does not correlate directly into a diet consisting of organic food. In fact, unless you're particularly hardcore you're more likely to consume overly processed food on a Vegan diet. What you're after, by the sound of it if you want organic food, is something more along the lines of a Paleo diet. If you have morality issues, then Vegetarian Paleo. Good luck with that one. It can be done, but at that point it's worth looking at your motivation, as best as they can be made out from their vague existence (as portrayed by yourself) in this thread:
1. Easy to Follow 2. Centred around the consumption of organic and unprocessed food 3. Avoid animal flesh if possible
Cutting animal products out of your life is easy. So is living on the nutrient deficient edge of starvation. If you want a balanced diet, and you want to consume enough protein to maintain muscle mass at the very least, it takes just a little bit more thought and a little dedication. If your aim is to reduce body fat % on such a diet while maintaining muscle mass, it's not impossible by any means but living within the strict confines of Vegan beliefs is beginning to make it very unrealistic for someone who lacks motivation and focus. It's not without effort, and requires nutritional planning and forethought on your end (if you want to stay healthy), which is where most come unstuck.
You want results, but you seem to want them to just happen. You need focus. Some diets are much easier to follow, depending on your cultural background and goals. Some prohibit carb rich food as seen in your traditional Asian diet whilst others rely on it. Your success will depend mostly on two factors: 1) suitability of the chosen diet for reducing body fat (without narrowing the scope of foods that will make up your restricted caloric intake) and 2) Your dedication to following through with learning more about nutrition, tracking your intake and expenditure, researching the values and availability of foods and adapting in general.
Luck in your efforts, Borat. Just remember that if you want to stay committed and lose weight, don't bite off more than you can chew.
Title: Re: Thinking about going Vegan
Post by: GothicSeraph on September 29, 2014, 10:51:23 am
I'll admit that issue of "morality" has been on mind as a reason as to why I'm contemplating a vegan diet, but I don't plan on taking it to the extremes of the people you mentioned. I just want advantage of the organic side of the diet, which might help not off some fat.
I think you would be a much better Locavore ( locally sourced diet ) than a Vegan. A vegan diet is basically "do not consume meat, eggs, milk, honey or any food that is derived from animals." I don't know what extremes you are talking about, either you are vegan or your not. Organic is NOT necessarily better in general and a local carrot WILL be ethically better than an organic carrot from 1500 miles away and cheaper.
If you'd like to hear more about Organic vs Non-Organic there are some benefits but not it doesn't outweigh the cost for most people: (
Title: Re: Thinking about going Vegan
Post by: LOVE on September 29, 2014, 11:22:30 am
I'll admit that issue of "morality" has been on mind as a reason as to why I'm contemplating a vegan diet, but I don't plan on taking it to the extremes of the people you mentioned. I just want advantage of the organic side of the diet, which might help not off some fat.
I think you would be a much better Locavore ( locally sourced diet ) than a Vegan. A vegan diet is basically "do not consume meat, eggs, milk, honey or any food that is derived from animals." I don't know what extremes you are talking about, either you are vegan or your not. Organic is NOT necessarily better in general and a local carrot WILL be ethically better than an organic carrot from 1500 miles away and cheaper.
If you'd like to hear more about Organic vs Non-Organic there are some benefits but not it doesn't outweigh the cost for most people: (
You allow an interesting angle with embodied energy. Maybe OP should also be considering embodied water, if impact on his world and yours is a concern. That would take serious work.
Title: Re: Thinking about going Vegan
Post by: Borat on October 04, 2014, 06:50:07 am
Thanks for all the posts folks.
I've stayed off meat for past few weeks and haven't had any "cravings" and so far there has been some good progress with my fitness, but I don't think I can attribute it all to the change in diet. I have lost a few pounds so that's a good start.
Title: Re: Thinking about going Vegan
Post by: DiStOrTiOn on October 04, 2014, 08:23:51 am
eat some fucking meat you faggot
Title: Re: Thinking about going Vegan
Post by: Slave of the Beast on October 04, 2014, 08:33:29 am
I have lived and worked with a couple of vegans. The one I lived with was a weird guy. His restricted diet seemed to be a form of mental self-flagellation; quasi-Catholic overtones mixed in with his Buddhist beliefs. One day he asked me 'Do I look like a heroin addict?', apparently some complete stranger had told him that they 'knew where he could get help' because his skin was so grey and pallid he looked like a junkie. Looking at his section in the food cupboard made my stomach literally cramp if I was already hungry. In 3 months the only things I ever saw in there were a couple of lentil bags. I don't believe that's the only thing he actually ate. I almost can't believe it.
The vegan girl I worked with had some batshit ideas about human biology. Insisted on drinking only from glass bottles containing filtered water of pH 10 (!) because it was what the human body was 'designed for'. I don't think she actually knew what pH means, let alone make a pH-calibrated solution. I tried explaining the concept of homeostasis to her and why her efforts to make her blood alkaline were largely futile; a complete waste of my energy. She also claimed water from the taps was deliberately contaminated with flourides which will poison you, hence the glass (plastic is poisonous) water bottle. She lived roughly 80 miles from the nearest source of artificially flouridated water.
I could be doing the concept of veganism a disservice, but my personal experience has been that veganism has more in common with a mental health disorder than a healthy lifestyle.
Sounds as though you met a couple stupid people who happened to be vegan. Be careful with the extrapolation.
Intelligence has little to do with it. The guy is a pharmacist. In all other respects both of them were adequately intelligent. Veganism isn't a diet it's an extreme 'ethical' lifestyle choice and so within western society has a tendency to attract those seeking an outlet for their political and philosphical views. Of course this does not apply to every vegan, those aren't the only two vegans I've known, but I think they are representative of a siginifcant aspect of veganism.
Title: Re: Thinking about going Vegan
Post by: ed rush on October 04, 2014, 09:18:33 am
Should vegans be attacked and brutalized in the streets? I see no reason why not.
Title: Re: Thinking about going Vegan
Post by: equanimity on October 04, 2014, 02:32:05 pm
I have lived and worked with a couple of vegans. The one I lived with was a weird guy. His restricted diet seemed to be a form of mental self-flagellation; quasi-Catholic overtones mixed in with his Buddhist beliefs. One day he asked me 'Do I look like a heroin addict?', apparently some complete stranger had told him that they 'knew where he could get help' because his skin was so grey and pallid he looked like a junkie. Looking at his section in the food cupboard made my stomach literally cramp if I was already hungry. In 3 months the only things I ever saw in there were a couple of lentil bags. I don't believe that's the only thing he actually ate. I almost can't believe it.
The vegan girl I worked with had some batshit ideas about human biology. Insisted on drinking only from glass bottles containing filtered water of pH 10 (!) because it was what the human body was 'designed for'. I don't think she actually knew what pH means, let alone make a pH-calibrated solution. I tried explaining the concept of homeostasis to her and why her efforts to make her blood alkaline were largely futile; a complete waste of my energy. She also claimed water from the taps was deliberately contaminated with flourides which will poison you, hence the glass (plastic is poisonous) water bottle. She lived roughly 80 miles from the nearest source of artificially flouridated water.
I could be doing the concept of veganism a disservice, but my personal experience has been that veganism has more in common with a mental health disorder than a healthy lifestyle.
Sounds as though you met a couple stupid people who happened to be vegan. Be careful with the extrapolation.
Intelligence has little to do with it. The guy is a pharmacist. In all other respects both of them were adequately intelligent. Veganism isn't a diet it's an extreme 'ethical' lifestyle choice and so within western society has a tendency to attract those seeking an outlet for their political and philosphical views. Of course this does not apply to every vegan, those aren't the only two vegans I've known, but I think they are representative of a siginifcant aspect of veganism.
Stupidity and high intelligence are not mutually exclusive :P
Title: Re: Thinking about going Vegan
Post by: millionsofdeadcats on October 04, 2014, 02:43:15 pm
Should vegans be attacked and brutalized in the streets? I see no reason why not.
funnel + beef broth + subdued vegan = fun
Title: Re: Thinking about going Vegan
Post by: slicknickns on October 05, 2014, 11:57:12 am
From my own vegetarianism, and temporary veganism; the problem with it is the high consumption of carbohydrates. Plant based proteins, don't contain the same amount as their meat counterparts.
A huge reason why I stopped being a vegetarian is due to doing some reading on the defense of plants against those that ate them --- in cafe man/scavenger times it was simply safer to eat meat (it being properly cooked, of course) due to plants either being poisonous or containing a harmful ingredient that will make you feel like shit.
What I am trying to say is what heavily turned me was doing some reading on the "poisonous" ingredients in fruit seeds, which I originally thought was lecithin --- it's not. Here's a link though
Title: Re: Thinking about going Vegan
Post by: Slave of the Beast on October 05, 2014, 01:28:43 pm
From my own vegetarianism, and temporary veganism; the problem with it is the high consumption of carbohydrates. Plant based proteins, don't contain the same amount as their meat counterparts.
A huge reason why I stopped being a vegetarian is due to doing some reading on the defense of plants against those that ate them --- in cafe man/scavenger times it was simply safer to eat meat (it being properly cooked, of course) due to plants either being poisonous or containing a harmful ingredient that will make you feel like shit.
What I am trying to say is what heavily turned me was doing some reading on the "poisonous" ingredients in fruit seeds, which I originally thought was lecithin --- it's not. Here's a link though
If you can eat dairy, it's very possible to eat a high protein diet. I have a friend who sometimes eats a 95% vegetarian diet (gelatin being the 5%) and she frequently gets in over 100g each day while eating a low fat diet. Could go the other way and eat a low carb diet, I've done this before but kind of got sick of eggs all the time.
Check out the protein content in stuff like cottage cheese.